Friday, March 28, 2008

Fever, Needles, & Snot

These last couple of days have not been very fun. Logan is sick, Mommy is sick, and Daddy is on call. It started on Wednesday night, I hadn't been feeling well all day, and when I got Logan home he started running a fever. I gave him some Tylenol and we went to bed. His fever spiked right after midnight, it was 101.8. I gave him more Tylenol, but he continued to run a low grade fever through the night and into the morning. I called to make an appointment with our pediatrician as soon as their office opened, they couldn't see us until 1:30. In the mean time I was feeling sort of foolish because his fever went away and we as all smiles. But by the time 1:30 rolled around he was starting to run a little fever.

We went to the doctor, and he checked him over. I told the Doc that Logan's stools were occasionally streaked with blood and a mucus type consistency. He thought it was a milk protein allergy. He put Logan on Nutramigen, a hypoallergenic formula, and told me to eliminate dairy from my diet. Dr M. was a little concerned that he had been running such a high fever the night before. He said it could mean an infection, and with babies under 3 months you need approach it more aggressively. So, Dr M sent us up to Children's Methodist Hospital for blood work and a urine analysis. He wanted to test him for RSV, Flu, a urinary tract infection, and some other stuff.

It's tough letting them pick on your baby like that. They were unsuccessful getting blood out of one arm, so they had to stick him again...we both cried. It took forever for them to get a urine sample, they taped a bag to him...and we waited. We waited for an hour and half, he nursed and fell asleep...and finally we had pee. We finally got to go home. The doc called us a couple hours later with the results from the blood test, they were all negative. However, we are still waiting on the results from the urine analysis. Adam didn't get home until 10:00 last night, poor guy. He's on call for the next 7

Anyhow, it's good to know it's nothing serious with Logan. If he does have a urinary tract infection they will start him on an some antibiotic. If not, it's just a virus that has to run its course

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Logan's first video

We finally got out the video camera and filmed Logan a little. I'm not sure why we didn't get it out earlier, other than he wasn't doing too much...I thought it might bore people. Then I had to try to remember how to get it on the computer, which wasn't too bad. Putting it on the blog was a different story, it took FOREVER. We even have a high speed internet connection. There's got to be an easier way.

Anyway here is a short clip of our smiling baby, who is now sick. He was even running a fever when we took this actually. What a little trooper.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Look what the Easter bunny brought me!

What!? There's no candy in here? WAH!!

Ha ha, my daddy is so funny!

Man I'm tired! Ah..Great Grandma knows just how to rub my back.

Easter Bunny Hugs And KissesThat cute little bunny has hopped all day,delivering baskets for the holiday. His paws are so tired and his nose how it itches,He left you something special to fulfill all your wishes-Lots of cute little Easter bunny hugs and kisses.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Growing up I never fully understood or appreciated how much my mom did for us. She made it look so easy. She was a single mom with three kids, she worked full-time, kept up a house, helped with homework while making dinner, was there to cheer us on at our different sports activites, and still managed to earn Bachelor's degree while taking evening college courses. Now I understand! I don't know how she did it all. She was so graceful at it too. If I was juggling that much I think I would constantly be stressed out and yelling at the kids. But she was calm and always seemed to keep things together. Thanks Mom!

Since becoming a mom, I'm finding it hard to get everything done. How do I keep the house clean, keep up on laundry, make a nutrious dinner, take care of baby without neglecting my husband, and keep up on our finances? I was overwhelmed by all of it. Logan's crib was full of clothes from the dryer waiting to be folded. My kitchen table hadn't seen the light of day for a couple weeks. I decided I really needed to get organized and devise a system to get everything done, after a particularly stressful morning in the Schmidt household. Adam is not a morning person at all, he usually waits as long as possible before getting out of bed. This leaves him with very little time. This particular morning he was rushing around trying to get ready for work. He came out to the living room all frustrated, "Why do we have to go to three different rooms to get dressed? I have to go to Logan's room to find some jeans, the laundry room for a shirt, and the living room to find a pair of socks!" Ok, Ok, point taken, we needed to get organized!

Since then I have come up with a daily and weekly schedule to keep myself organized and stay on top of household tasks. I have it broken down into things that need done in the morning, the evening and weekends. I have split up cleaning throughout the week so I can stay on top of it and not end up cleaning all weekend. I try to throw a load of clothes in the wash every morning and finish it in the evening to keep up on laundry. I plan out our meals for the week and do weekly grocery shopping. Not only does this save us money only buying things for the week, but it's also a lot less stressful knowing what I'm going to make for dinner and not having to try to think of something at 5:00.

So far this is working pretty well. But I could always use more good ideas. Let me know how you keep up on your household chores, finances, and keeping your family organized. Or any other good organization tips.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Two Month Milestones

Logan had his two month check up yesterday, with shots and all. Our little boy now weighs 11 lbs 10 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. He handled the shots pretty well. Of course he cried, but it didn't last long. I can definitely sympathize, I hate needles. There were 3 shots in all, with a total of 5 vaccines in those. His poor little legs were hurting him later that night. I gave him some tylenol and he cried, and he cried. Shelby gets really upset when he cries like that. She will come over to us and try to lick she's trying to kiss it better.

He's really beginning to blossom. It's exciting to watch him develop and change, I thank God we have a healthy and happy baby. He loves to smile now. "Just talk to me or sing me a song and I will flash you a smile." People watching is one of his favorite pastimes. He's even starting to babble a little, especially right before he gets mad. He's still sleeping well, although not quite through the night anymore. But he usually only gets once around 4, has a quick little snack and is back to sleep. So, I know we are pretty lucky! I would be scared to ever have another baby. Odds would be against us that we would have a difficult child the second time around.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mommy Anxieties

Monday was my first day back at work and Logan's first day at daycare. This was a tough week. Both Logan and I are having a hard time adjusting to this. The first day their phone wasn't working in the morning. So, I drove all the way over there to check on him. They said he had been really fussy. They asked me if he was a colicky baby, which is the total opposite of his temperament. I ran home and took him his pacifier and gas drops. They said his afternoon went a little better, but that sure made it even harder to go back to work. He's doing a little better each day, but I'm not doing so well with it. I cry about every day that I leave him. I'm sure I will get used to leaving him, but I really wish I didn't have to.

On a brighter note, he's starting to smile a lot. It's very cute! I keep trying to get him to break out in a laugh...but nothing yet. I just hope I'm the one to see it first, and not someone at daycare. Am I being selfish, yes probably.