Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Truancy

Logan was sent home from daycare with a fever yesterday. It was a strange little bug, he ran a fever on and off for about 12 hours and had some congestion and a cough (it's always hard to tell if that is his alergies or something more). He wasn't running a fever this morning but had to stay home anyway because of daycare policies. So Logan and I played hookey today and just bummed around the house not doing much of anything...it was quite nice.

Here are some more cute random pictures.

Swinging with Daddy

I've still still got Nebraska blood!

(Grandma wants to make sure I remember roots)

Looking shaggy

My first haircut.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Logan's Photo Shoot

These are the pictures I recently had taken of Logan. I had these done while my mom was here, she helped me pick out his outfit...and got it for him. I love it! I hadn't planned on being in them also, but they asked so I said sure why not. This is why Adam is not in them as well. So we will have to plan a family portrait later on. Let me know which picture/s that you like and I will let you know what I have of those. My scanner was dirty or something, so they didn't scan very well.