Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dreaded Dinner time

Dinner time is a stressful time at our house. By the time Logan and I get home it is almost 6:00. He is hungry and fussy...as am I. I try to keep my meal plans to 30 minutes or less, because Logan's tummy and patience do not give me much time. Otherwise, he is at my feet begging to be held. Or I have to try to hold him while chopping vegetables or doing something dangerous of the sort. So this is how he deals...he wrecks havoc on my kitchen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Simple Money Saving Tricks

This weeks edition of Works-For-Me-Wednesday is themed the Frugal Edition. I opted to go for a list of my simple money saving tricks, seeing as we are still trying to work on that area.

*I try to always plan our meals for the week. It saves us an average of $25/week in groceries not to mention the headache of coming up with something at the last minute.

*Craigslist is my best friend for furniture or baby equipment, usually I can find lightly used items for a fraction of the price.

*When a doctor's visit is needed outside our pediatricians hours I try to take Logan to a clinic with late hours rather than the urgent care. It saves us money on our co-pay.

*Having prepared frozen meals on hand for when I don't feel like cooking. We don't end up spending money eating out and we eat healthier.

*And our best money saving benefit...Grandparents, They save us a ton of money on babysitting. :o) And we feel comfortable leaving Logan overnight.

Visit www.wearethatfamily.com for more frugal ideas.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monkey Boy

This weekend we bought Logan a little climber slide with a playhouse underneath. Do you think he likes it? Since then he has proceeded to climb onto the kitchen table as well as the second shelf of my bakers rack. This boy loves to climb. I must go now and reevaluate all of my childproofing.