Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

We are at home tonight with a sick baby. We were supposed to head to San Angelo this afternoon to have Christmas with Adam's family. However, Logan got pretty sick, as did some other family members. He has been fighting off bronchitis for about 4 days now. So, we are staying home tonight and we will try to leave tomorrow. I think after another good nights rest and Santa gifts he will be doing much better. :o)
I hope this finds everyone else well. Have a wonderful Christmas. Lots of Love.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blissful Ignorance

As a mother it is hard to be away from your baby all day. One of the things that bothers me most about this is the thought of missing all of Logan's firsts.

The other day as I dropped Logan off at daycare I felt I needed to share some thoughts about this with his teacher. I told her, "I just wanted to let you know that if Logan takes his first steps here, please don't tell me". She laughed a little, "Are you serious?". I said, "Yes, I do not want to know. I want to believe that I am seeing Logan walk for the first time. I want to be blissfully ignorant." She said, "Ok, but I'm sure he will walk at home." I told her, "You've got the idea."

It wrenched my heart that somone else might see him walk for the first time. It wouldn't even mean anything to them...they see it all the time. That is a treasure that belongs to a mother & father, to remember that sight forever. Their sweet little baby walking to them. This is a resemblence of what a parent's and child's realtionship should always be. The child learning to spread their wings with the support, confidence, and love that their parents offer. And it is about trust, knowing that Mom & Dad will be there to catch you when you fall. I hope Logan will always feel that trust and support radiating from us.

But for now, I'm blissfully ignorant. Logan took his first unassisted steps tonight at home with Mommy and Daddy, and it was delightful! He was so proud of himself and very excited when he saw our reaction.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My little Tortoise

My mommy made me be a turtle for halloween. But don't be mistaken by my mask I'm a quick turtle.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby Truancy

Logan was sent home from daycare with a fever yesterday. It was a strange little bug, he ran a fever on and off for about 12 hours and had some congestion and a cough (it's always hard to tell if that is his alergies or something more). He wasn't running a fever this morning but had to stay home anyway because of daycare policies. So Logan and I played hookey today and just bummed around the house not doing much of was quite nice.

Here are some more cute random pictures.

Swinging with Daddy

I've still still got Nebraska blood!

(Grandma wants to make sure I remember roots)

Looking shaggy

My first haircut.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Logan's Photo Shoot

These are the pictures I recently had taken of Logan. I had these done while my mom was here, she helped me pick out his outfit...and got it for him. I love it! I hadn't planned on being in them also, but they asked so I said sure why not. This is why Adam is not in them as well. So we will have to plan a family portrait later on. Let me know which picture/s that you like and I will let you know what I have of those. My scanner was dirty or something, so they didn't scan very well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Simple Entertainment

I was trying to get some laundry started tonight after I got done feeding Logan. So I decided to just push his highchair over to our room so I could sort laundry. Surprisingly this is very entertaining to a baby.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sometimes you need a little froggy kiss to fall asleep

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Separation Anxities

The experts say infants usually start to go through a stage of Separation anxiety around 8-12 months. However, I don't remember them saying anything about the parents. I have been having a hard time leaving Logan lately. I miss him terribly while I'm at work, and I can't wait to pick him up at the end of the day. I have a huge picture of him on my computer desktop, and I will find myself minimizing all the windows just so I can see my smiling boy. I thought they said it was supposed to get easier to leave them. But then, maybe it never does get any easier to leave your babies, or for babies to leave their moms for that matter.

My mom is flying down to visit us next month, and I just cannot wait! It's hard being so far away from your mom. I'm finding it even harder now that we have Logan. I wish that she could see him everyday, but I had to go and fall for a Texan. But I definately keep her up to date on what goes on. I talk to her at least twice a day. Jeez if somone called me that often I think I would start to pretend I wasn't there. I call her to tell her stupid random things like "Guess what, Logan ate peas for the first time, and he liked them!", and always makes time to listen to these silly calls. The truth is I just want an excuse to call her, and I want her to feel like she knows Logan. Anyhow, we miss you and can't wait to see you!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Whats up man?

He's on the Move!

Logan is discovering very quickly that these arms and legs can get him places. Just in the last week or so he is all over the place. He spins in circles on the floor on his tummy and he can army crawl to get something he wants. He is usually upside down at the foot of his crib in the mornings. And he has no fear, he will jump right out of your arms trying to grab something, knowing you will catch him. I knew he would be a quick mover....but I'm not ready yet! I don't have outlets covered,I don't have shelves secured, our fireplace hearth looks like a little noggin cracker, and I'm sure there are little baby dangers lurking around every corner. Ahh, stay put baby. My goal this weekend is to babyproof our house.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Busy Mommy, Busy Baby

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted anything. I just started a new job last month, it has been kind of crazy learning my new duties and learning new programs and such. But I can't even put into words how nice it is to have a job I enjoy now. I really did not like my last job, it was for a large company, there wasn't enough work for everyone...and when there was work it was very monotinous. I could just feel the clock ticking, it was miserable.

Now I'm working at Comfort-Air, the same company that Adam works for. However, I handle accounts payable and he is a service technician, so we rarely see eachother. Even though it has been a little stressful trying to learn everything, I'm enjoying my new position. It is a family owned company, so it is a close knit company and just a fun enironment (most of the time). This morning they were joking with Adam, saying if we ever split up he better go apply at Airtron or some other AC company, because they don't want to lose me. So I guess they must be happy with my work. But really they adore Adam. His boss is always calling to check on him if he's working on something hard "Are you ok Adam? I just wanted to make sure you didn't get trapped under something heavy."

Logan has been very busy as well. Busy growing and busy moving, or at least trying. His first teeth came in last week. They are his two bottom teeth and they are just poking through the gums. Thankfully, he hasn't really had trouble with them...hopefully that continues.

Logan can sit up completely independently now, and he thinks he is ready to get up and walk. If he is sitting in your lap he tries to stand up and will jump right out of your lap if you're not careful. He has become a little escape artist at daycare. They have these little bumbo seats for the babies and he can get out of it. It's funny watching him do it. He sort of twists his body until one leg is almost out, then he pushes himself out. He is a boy through and through.

He had a late 6 month check-up yesterday. He now weighs 17lbs 10oz and is 27 1/4 inches long. He is in the 5oth percentile for weight and the 75th for length. The doc said he is doing great.

Look at my tower!

Sweet baby

Playing with Gammy

Mommy and me

Grandma made me this bib, isn't it cute?

Look at my teeth!

I love to blow bubbles!

More bubbles

Thursday, July 10, 2008

6 Month Milestones

My sweet little baby is 1/2 a year old today. Time sure flies! He is learning so much, and getting so strong. Here are his new skills and favorite pastimes as of late:

Logan can sit up completely unassisted.
He can hold his own bottle through an entire feeding.
He mastered getting his pacifier back in his mouth.
He loves to jump, jump, and jump.
He can scoot on his tummy a little bit to get toys.
He loves to help mommy open the mail, if I don't give him something to "open", or to crumple and tear is more like it, he gets upset.
He has become attached to his little Tigger blanket, he loves to rub it on his face as he is falling asleep.
He likes to read books.
He even likes to shop. He sits up like a big boy now in the grocery cart.

We are truly enjoying or playful, interactive baby...but I wish I could slow time down.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

5 Month Milestones

My sweet baby is 5 months old today and he is ready to start walking. If only those legs would cooperate. He loves to stand, if you are holding his hands and playing with him he tries to stand up. He is very strong! He can pull himself up to standing all by himself, as long as you hold his hands.

His laugh is adorable. He thinks Mommy & Daddy are amusing, but oh my his cousins are just hilarious. Or really any kids for that matter. He really got a kick out of his cousins Emily & Anna. Anna would kiss his hand and he would just laugh and laugh.

He has become quite the little charmer. He loves to flirt with people while I'm holding him. He will grab their attention and smile. Then, he will play shy and hide in my shoulder. If he loses his audience he will try to strike up a conversation to win them back.

This child loves to watch TV, and it drives me crazy! We will put him in his little exersaucer facing away from the TV and he will strain his neck trying to see it. One day I put him in his swing while Daddy was watching a Spurs game. The swing and TV are on opposite sides of the fireplace. Well he was leaning forward , while it was swinging, trying to look around the fireplace to watch the game. He is definately his Daddy's son.

He is discovering cause and effect through play. He has a little piano at daycare and at home and he will lay on his tummy and play it Schroeder style. Maybe he will inherit Uncle Tim's musical talent.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Playmate Come Out and Play With Me...

Adam has been wishing for this day since before Logan was born. "When will he like to play?", "All he does is eat, sleep, & poop.", "When can he play." Well our baby is no longer a little potted plant, now he is interactive and likes to play.

Our neighbors gave Logan an excersaucer that had been their granddaughters, and he loves it. For those of you who don't know, an exersaucer is similar to a walker but stationary. The seat spins, there are toys all around them, and they can even make it bounce. This is his new favorite toy. He can make it play music, spin the toys and his seat, bounce a little, and pick out his favorite toys.

Now, Adam is ready for him to get bigger so he can play baseball, go fishing, and do boy stuff. I say "No, I want my sweet, cuddly baby to stay little."

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pictures of Our Trip

Emily, Anna & Logan

Uncle Tim & Logan

Grandma & Logan

Grandma again

Papa Joe & Logan

Great Grandma Ingram, Aunt Debbie, Aunt Donna Lynn,

Krista, Holly, and Me

Great Grandma Margie & Logan

Uncle Brent & Logan

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Taking Flight

I took Logan on his first airplane this past week. We flew to Denver to see my family. With the exception of my mom, none of my family had met Logan yet. Logan did really well overall. But here are a few things I learned about flying and traveling with a baby.

1. Take a stroller to the airport and check it at the gate.

I only took my sling to carry Logan in. Now this worked ok for getting through the airport,
but once we were to our gate I couldn't put him down, so I had to do everything one handed.

2. Pack a well orgaized carry-on. It's hard to shuffle through your bag and find what you need while holding a crying baby.

3. Mix a bottle or 2 before you go through security. Security will let you take mixed formula past the checkpoint, however, they will make you dump water.

I had a couple bottles full of water, ready to mix formula in, that they made me dump out. Then, I had to go buy a $3 bottle of water to make his milk with, which he wouldn't take because it was really cold. So then I'm walking around with a hungry baby trying to find a microwave, only to end up in the bathroom trying to warm a bottle under lukewarm water. Are we having fun yet?!

4. Try to keep baby on his normal schedule. Everything goes so much smoother when baby is well rested.

5. Make sure the baby charms everyone around you on the plane while he is still happy. This way they will be a little more forgiving when he starts to cry.

I'll post some pictures later

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Look at me I'm 4 Months old!

Logan's personality has really began to shine in the last month or so. He loves to chatter, chatter, chatter. He tells you about everything. He doesn't like to be excluded from the conversation. If Mommy and Daddy are talking he will tray to get our attention by smiling or grunting, or he will try to talk over us. "Hey I'm over here, talk to me! Tell me how cute I am." He loves to watch people. When we go to the store he just sits in his little sling that Grandma made him and takes everything in. He's content to ride around strapped to Mommy for an hour or more, as long as he can see everyone. He can roll from his tummy to his back and almost his back to his tummy as well. He can nearly hold his bottle by himself. He will hold it for a couple seconds then pull it out, he doesn't quite get it yet.

He's growing so much and becoming more interactive everyday. Here are a few pictures from the last week or so.

Logan has become a bit emotional as of late. If someone makes a loud noise, if mommy walks away, if he hears the vacumm, or many other triggers he absolutley loses it. He's kind of a scardy cat.

There were some requests of a picture of Daddy and Logan...and this is about as good as it gets.

I believe I can FLY...I believe I can touch the sky...
